
Waterfall project management vs agile project
Waterfall project management vs agile project

waterfall projects have been pretty consistent. So the Standish Group “Modern” definition of success includes the following six individual attributes of success:įrom as early as 2015, the results of agile projects vs. After all, isn’t that the reason we complete projects – to deliver something of value? It’s not simply a test of our planning process or execution against a plan. They looked beyond the delivery against the plan to include the value delivered and customer satisfaction. The new definition expended to include the outcomes or impact of the project. The Standish Group expanded their definition of success in 2015 to what they called a modern success measure. The Agile Values state that agilists value Responding to Change over Following a Plan.

waterfall project management vs agile project

You may recall that the Agile Manifesto came out squarely against the ‘plan the work, work the plan’ line of thinking. Remember On Time, On Budget, On Scope? Better known as “how well did we 1) plan and then 2) deliver against that plan?” Success is a little more nuanced.įor the first 15 years of the Standish Group studies, the definition of success was the same used for years by the Project Management Institute. Failure means, the project was cancelled or the solution was never implemented. What does success and failure mean? Great question. Since then, over 50,000 technology projects have been added to the Standish Group database of successful and failing projects.


Their first Chaos Report came out in 1994, even before Agile was a term used for software development approaches. In fact, the Standish Group has been clear about advocating for Agile Projects over Waterfall or Traditional Projects for about 10 years.įor those of you who may not have heard of the Standish Group, they’ve been analyzing technology projects for over 25 years. Waterfall Projects, it isn’t a change in direction. While the 2020 data from the Standish Group was clear about the success of Agile vs.

waterfall project management vs agile project

Read on for more highlights from the 2020 Chaos report. As with the other Standish Group Chaos reports, they reside behind a paywall on the Standish Group Website.

waterfall project management vs agile project

This is based on the Standish Group Chaos Studies and their most recent report in 2020 called Beyond Infinity. Agile projects are 2X more likely to succeed and less than half as likely to fail than Waterfall. That data comes from 25 years of studying project success and failure rates is pretty clear. There is plenty of supporting evidence that Agile wins out over Waterfall Projects. Unwilling to let go, they promote the alchemy of hybrid agile, whatever that is.īut the PM community aside, most people are on board that all that upfront planning and plan-driven approaches are going to fail on fast-paced technology initiatives. Only recently have they embraced their own version of agility and even now they still like to claim that traditional approaches have their place in technology projects. In particular the project management community decried the value of agile ways of working. Oddly not everyone agrees even when talking about technology or software projects. I don’t know about success and failure rates for other types of projects.

waterfall project management vs agile project

To be clear, the failure and success metrics shared in this article are based on software projects only. And Waterfall projects are 2X more likely to fail. In fact, the most recent Standish Group Chaos Study from 2020 shows that Agile Projects are 3X more likely to succeed than Waterfall projects. When it comes to technology projects, Agile projects succeed where traditional projects fail.

Waterfall project management vs agile project